Tuesday 2 April 2013

34 weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks and 6 days (as of March 30)
Total weight gain: 20.4lbs
Maternity clothes? 
still squishing in to what I have :) lol I finally wore my new maxi skirt though and I love it!! I need some more of those lol
Stretch marks?
 nope but I hear the last few weeks you really have to watch! Eek!
Sleep: some nights I sleep great.. others wide awake in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week: 
Last week of work!!! Also had my bday party on friday night :) I had a great time with my friends. Yay to virgin margaritas lol Had a facial and massage! It was really relaxing!
Miss Anything? my body!! Argh carrying a baby for 8 months is tough work let me tell you
ya he rolls around quite a bit.. he usually is on the right side and sticks his bum out lol
Food cravings:
 not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: 
nope but he is being evicted end of April lol
nothing new.. have to pee a lot.. very warm, tired easily, mid back pain
Belly Button in or out? oh it is out

Wedding rings on or off? 
Happy or Moody most of the time: 
happy :)
Looking forward to: Time off and getting house and baby stuff organized :) My plan is to get a little something done every day so I feel like I have accomplished something. He will be here before we know it!!!

Bday flowers from my besties :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love your outfit in the pictures! I got a skirt like that for after baby… I’m pretty excited to wear it! I looked at my pictures side by side and I thought I was huge at 24 weeks….. I guess I didn’t know what huge was lol. My father in law’s birthday is April 25th too! I’m hope I’ll hold out until at least April 29th. I really want to go home on my birthday in June and I would almost be done with maternity leave if I started on the 29th. Although I will be happy whenever he decides to come! If I have to work up until my due date or past I’ll probably go crazy! I get so tired during the day and I barely get out of my office, but running a graduation with more than 1,000 students will definitely put me in to labor!

    I was so excited to get that ultra sound! He has grown a lot! She couldn’t tell how much he weighs… although it has to be around 6 lbs, otherwise I’m not sure where all the weight is at ;) Sleeping just doesn’t happen these days. I lay down and I feel like he has the need to move around and get comfortable which can be pretty painful for me. I cannot believe he’ll get bigger than this still! My belly will be wayyyy out there by the time he comes out. Do you ever get people taking second looks at you? I was walking in the mall the other day and people literally stared at me. I guess they aren’t prepared for the basketball belly I have way out there lol. We are trying the car seat sometime this week. It sounds hard… I’ll let you know how it goes!
