Wednesday 5 February 2014

Daxton is 9 months old!!

9 months

I cannot believe Dax is 9 months already! He is growing up so fast!! This past month he seemed to change a lot. He is moving around with lightening speed, starting to pull up AND saying his first words. It is so amazing to see! 

Baby stats
Sleep: sleeps 10-13hrs straight.. The best feeling is waking up in the morning before Dax wakes me lol 
Feed: he eats every 2-3 hours either boob or a meal. He eats three full meals a day and has quite a big appetite when he likes the food ;) he is definitely a boy 
Daily Routine:
Weight: 18lb 8.5oz
Length: 29in
Head: 18in
Diaper size: size 3 
Clothing size: still 6-12m gap clothes (pants just fit), 12m outfits and now 12-18m sleepers
Hair color: light brown coming in I think lol
Eye Color: they are looking more green grey now 
Baby favs: 
Sesame Street (he loves Elmo)
Toys that make noises
Channel changer and iPhone 
Crawling after food
Swimming with dad
Bath time and playing with his tub toys
Pulling up on his learning walker
Crawling into trouble lol (ie dog bowl)
Waving at people 

Baby not so favs:
Diaper changes/getting changed sometimes 
Not eating when I'm eating (I give him pieces of what I'm eating to keep him happy)

He can sometimes be a picky eater
He has a rash on his legs and arms and we are trying to figure out if it's a food he's eating. Cut out apple, changed detergent and using eczema body wash and cream. Now it is a lot better :)

Keeping him out of trouble! Not that he is crawling like a mad man we really have to watch that he's not getting into things. I have been baby proofing as I go. He has also started pulling up on things which scares me because it's farther to fall down :( lol 

Funniest moment: 
Dax is super motivated to crawl by food.. First quick crawl was after a chocolate wrapper I kept moving on the floor. He also crawls very fast when mom is eating food on the floor when hanging out with him. So funny! I have to keep moving plate away or he is right in there. 

This month he has gone from army crawling to full on crawling. He use to like army crawling more but now he has found he can go from crawling back to sitting much easier. He is crawling pretty fast now and is looking for trouble. 
Now that he can crawl up to things he tries to pull up on them. He can get to his knees on his learning walker and at the end of the month finally pulled himself up to stand. 

He is being very vocal so I'm sure soon enough he will be talking up a storm. He says bah bah bah. He started saying mama (Jan 14)
He is starting to wave at ppl (jan 13) waves and says "hiii" (jan 16)
First clap(jan 26) which dad saw at swimming. I am still waiting for mine ;)

He has had some drooly crabby days so I think more teeth are coming soon. I'm hoping they come before Maui!

He eats three meals a day and we try to get an assortment of foods in. He is a bit picky at times though.. He is like his dad and loves carbs! Mmm to pancakes, toast, fries and mashed potatoes! Lol he likes to feed himself so we try to have little bite size foods . He likes avocado chunks again now that he can feed himself. When we are out I can give him a squishy pack of purée and he will (try to) suck on that. It can be messy but he's happy lol. 

Cantaloupe (not a huge fav but will eat w yogurt) 
Broccoli (nope)
Blueberries (stuffs in cheek)
Scrambled eggs (yum)
Mangos (yum)
Little pieces of cheese (yum)
Banana and apple freeze dried

Fav foods:
Toast w butter
Apple and pear 

Crawling (Jan 9)
Word "mama" (Jan 14)
Wave (jan 16)
Clap (jan 26)
Pulled up to stand (Feb 2)

Events in the past month:
Lots of baby play dates! Liana and baby William stayed over for a night and it was really nice to catch up. Dax watched William very closely it was so cute. Dax is use to being the little baby so it was cute to see him interact with a younger baby. 

He is back in swimming and the all star of the class since it's his second time. He doesn't mind going under water and likes to kick his feet on the kick board and swim in the "river". 

We got his baby passport picture taken for our much anticipated trip to Hawaii!


Lots of play dates and his first baby birthday party for his buddy Grayer! 

Took the ferry over to see grandma and grandpa and some shopping. Dax was having a cranky teething day so it was a bit rough. It makes me nervous for the plane ride!! 

Day trip to Vic to see Liana and baby William. 

Looking forward to: Hawaii! 

1 comment:

  1. He's so big!!! So jealous your going to Hawaii! You'll have to let me know how he does on the plane that long. The picture of him and the dog bowl is so cute! I'm just waiting for Mason to find ours ;)
