Saturday 4 January 2014

Daxton is 8 months old!

8 months
I can't believe Dax is eight months already! Man how time flies. Dax is such a happy sweet little man. He is constantly smiling.. People constantly say he is the smiliest baby they have seen. He isn't shy at all at this point.. Other than when his dad gives him kisses lol.  He is so much more interactive with his environment and it seems like every week he is changing. He loves checking out new things and turning them over in his hands. I think he is a detail guy. It is amazing and I can't believe he is 4 months away from a year old! 

Baby stats
Sleep: sleeps 10-13hrs straight! I know I am a very lucky mom..Love my sleep ins lol
Feed: still every 2-3hrs
He is eating a lot more food now.. 2-3 cubes a meal 3 meals per day
Daily Routine:
Our day time routine is still pretty similar but Dax has switched to a two nap schedule. This works great for me as they are both usually 2hrs. The only trick is how to make morning classes.. Do you try to squish in a early nap or make I through class without?!
Sleep til 7/8 Change, Feed, watch Sesame Street while mom has breakfast, play then nap around 10
Usually 2 hr nap then feed and get dressed for the day, play in exersaucer or go to classes/run errands 
Afternoon we play with toys or go for walks 
Feed, Nap 3-4
5 feed, 645 bath, 7 change, read a book, nurse and bed
Weight: 17lbs 9.5oz
Length: 28.5 
Head: 17.5in 
Diaper size: size 3 
Clothing size: 6-12m gap clothes (I'm obsessed with gap haha), 9-12m outfits and now 9-12m sleepers. After Christmas he was definitely into 12m sleepers. 
Hair color: light brown coming in
Eye Color: they are looking more green grey now 
Baby favs: 
Sesame Street (he loves Elmo)
Anything Elmo (he has a few stuffies and a book)
Playing with his dad. He laughs so hard with him.. Dad gives him piggy back rides, belly blows, they wrestle and he throws him in the air. It is seriously the cutest thing! 
Bath time and playing with his tub toys
Walker he cruises pretty quick now
Crawl around car and activity table 
Toys that makes sounds (channel changer toy)
Playing with mom and dad's iPhone or iPad 
Anything that rattles
Baby not so favs:
Diaper changes or getting changed (sometimes)
Laying down for a nap when he's cranky
Being bored 
Coordinating things around nap time.. It can be difficult to make our baby classes at 10am if he wakes up at 7 as that's usually nap time. Sometimes he is ok without a nap.. Other times he's crabby pants. 
He still gets bored with his toys.. I'm leaving him longer to play with toys when I'm eating or making dinner. 
Funniest moment: 
Talking to miller pup. They are best buddies and it is do cute! Dax squeals at him to get his attention and likes to pet him (gouge him in the eye) lol. They are best friends :)
He has found his tongue and has been sticking it out a lot the past few weeks. I keep wondering if he likes the feeling of his teeth and lips on it. And of course everything still goes in the mouth ;) especially iPhone lol. 
He is army crawling pretty well now. He gets up on all fours and wabbles around.. I thought by now he would be full on crawling but he only takes a full crawls and then goes back to wiggling around on his tummy. I think I've been lucky that he is enjoying his new toys and will remain fairly stationary for awhile.. Then he will army crawl to grab another toy and play with that for awhile. 

He walks around like crazy in his walker.. He loves it! He tries to grab everything though.. We are really going to have to get rid of a lot of clutter in the house. 
He can stand up by himself if he holds on to things. He doesn't realize he is still a bit wobbly or will bend knees like he is jumping so still have to watch that. 
He shakes his rattle toys on demand now not just when he wants to hear sound. I bought him a little car that when he shakes a rattle it drives and when you stop it stops. It's pretty cute!
Fruit and veg puffs
Zucchini (not always a fav)
He likes to feed himself so we have been doing more bit sized food so he can feed himself.
 I have noticed little bumps on his legs so going to have to watch that.. My gf and I thought it might be the chlorine in the pool as her daughter has it too but it hasn't gone away. It looks like it might be eczema so maybe a new food bugging him?
First snow day (Dec 2)
First night without mom & dad (Dec 14)
Army crawling (Dec 15)
Solo standing 
Events in the past month:
He got to experience snow for the first time! So cute! I put him in the sleigh in the backyard :)

We went and saw Santa. I wasn't sure how it was going to go as most of my friends babies didn't like Santa but Dax didn't mind him at all :) Santa gave him a little toy and Dax gave him a big smile!

We went up the mtn to see gma and gpa and took him sledding. I was afraid he was going to fall out of the sled but he did great and really enjoyed it :)

Neil and I had our first night away from Dax. We went to a Canucks game and had dinner out. It went better than I thought :) I knew Dax was in good hands with my mom and just had to pump so wasn't uncomfortable. I wish I would have slept better but Neil and I had a good time. I swear Dax changed over night though lol.. When we got back he was army crawling even better than when we left. 
Santa hat I made Dax 

We had a Christmas open house and a few of his baby friends were able to make it. Dax had such a great time! Lots of play time and Dax would cruise in his walker and his buddy Grayer would hold on and walk behind it. 

Went and saw Santa twice and Dax was not afraid. We did one spur of the moment trip with my mom and once just him. We had to wait in line for a good 45mins for the second Santa and by the time we got to the front of the line Dax was done with being in the stroller but we still managed to get a cute picture :)

Christmas Eve we spent an Neil's parents and it was a lot of fun. Dax opened presents on grandpas lap and really enjoyed it. He got his very own crab float for fishing and crawl around car (as well as books, stuffies etc). His car kept him very entertained while we had dinner. 
Christmas morning Dax and I went over to my moms to open presents as Neil slept in. Dax got some more sweet toys, one of his favorites being his walker. We came home and open our presents (he loved his jeep, such a big boy) and baby channel changer. We went to great grandmas for dinner and by then Dax seemed to have a fever and cough :( unfortunately Boxing Day he was a very sick baby and missed visiting with his second cousins. Baby fevers are not fun!! Luckily his fever didn't last long but it was still so sad :( after a few days of coughing nights he started to do a bit better. 
Opening first present with grandpa 

Crab float

Loving his new car

Family photo

Yay baby jeep from Santa

We went up the mountain for 4 nights over New Years with my parents, sis and bf and my aunt and uncle. Unfortunately there wasn't a ton of snow up there yet so now snowboarding but since Dax was still not 100% it was nice to relax with him. We played games, drank and went in the hottub. It sucked sharing a room with Dax though. He is a loud sleeper! Lol

Looking forward to: getting back to our routine and only a few months until Hawaii! Watching Dax become more and more mobile

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