Friday 4 October 2013

Daxton is 5 months old!

5 months
Baby stats
Sleep: 8-10hrs.. A few nights he has slept 12! He goes to bed around 7 which is nice to have some time to ourselves. We have gotten into a better sleep routine and naps as well. I find if he naps every 2hrs he sleeps better at night. 
Feed: every 2-3hrs during the day and usually a feed at 5am then 8am starts the day.. We just started him on food.. First food is avocado :) he wasnt sure about it first time but went back for more! Lol 
Daily Routine:
Wake up 8-830 change, feed, play on play mat while mom eats breakfast 
10-1030-11ish naps, then diaper, change out of pjs, feed, plays in exersaucer or jumperoo or go to a class
1-2ish feed, diaper change then nap in crib
Play with toys and lots of standing time. If its nice we usually go for a walk and he will have a short nap. 
Repeat at 4-5ish
Usually plays with dad when he gets home and will go in mamaroo or jumperoo while we eat dinner. 
630 is bath time, change into pjs, read story (I usually sing story so he calms down) and last feed at 7 then time for bed!
Usually wakes up once between 3-5am for a feed then sleeps until around 8
Weight: 15lbs 7oz
Length: 28in 
Head: ?? 
Diaper size: size 2
Clothing size: mostly 6 month now and 6-9 month sleepers
Hair Color: light brown.. Still not much but I swear it's coming in lol. Poor guy is going to be wearing a ton of hats to keep him warm. 
Eye Color: hazel-ish (they are really starting to change)
Baby favs: 
Standing up is a big fav
Airplane/Superman rides
He loves Miller! It is the cutest thing.. He squeals at him to get his attention. And giggles when miller licks his face 
Grabbing his feet and putting in mouth 
Putting any thing in his mouth (he will dive bomb for it lol)
Dad talking like a pirate
Jumperoo/ jumping like a mad man and squealing 
His new piano exersaucer.. He knows how to play notes with his feet and turn around in it
Walking around with dad and exploring 
Piggy back rides 
Singing Taylor Swift "22" to him 
Baby not so favs:
Getting his arms in/out of shirts 
Laying down too long
Naps (sometimes)
Challenges: he is still drooling like crazy and I wonder when his teeth will start poking through. He has found his voice and sometimes is a loud lil man. Loud squeals!! 
We have had a few nights he has cried himself to sleep which breaks my heart but trying to not have him rely on anything to get him to sleep. It seems to be paying off as he only fusses for a few minutes then falls asleep. 
Funniest moment: Trying to take pictures of Dax with his stuffed owl and Miller grabbing it out of his hand. LOL! clean up on aisle three by miller. Miller is a handy pup as he likes to clean up Daxton's spit up lol. It sounds gross but it's cute cos it makes Dax giggle when he licks him. 
Milestones: he is getting stronger standing up, you can just hold his hands and he will move his feet a bit. He jumps like crazy in his jumperoo now. Everything goes in his mouth! He makes a high pitch squeal sound now. He has found his voice! 
He tries to sit up but falls over eventually.. But when he falls he shimmys on to his stomach. He also rocks when he is sitting as I think he wants to stand up. Especially if his toy box is nearby. He likes standing in front of it and checking out his toys (he has a lot but gets bored of them lol). He likes to throw his toys on the floor too. 
We have started food as Dax has been pretty hungry and interested in food last few weeks. I am not interested in feeding him rice cereal so did some homework and started with avocado. First day he was kind of interested but most ended up on his face. Second day went better.. More in his mouth and seemed to not mind it. Yay :)
First food avocado (Oct 2)
First Swimming lesson
Events in the past month:
Trip to Dr. He was very impressed with Dax. He says he is very strong for 4 months and guesses he will be walking by 7.5months.. Oh boy! I hope he takes his time! Lol I'm excited for him to walk but then everything has to be baby proofed and have to watch him like a hawk. Besides he has to crawl before he walks right?!
First time up the mountain to grandma and grandpas. He liked that :) got to explore their garden. 
Neil is back to work so we signed up for some baby classes. We do kindermusik once a week which he likes. We sing songs and play with little instruments and bounce around. 
We also went to library to a story group. After went for lunch with a bunch of moms. Dax was so well behaved!!
Dax had his first swimming lesson and it went really well! They poured little watering cans on them and played little games then got to swim down the little river. It was so cute as the class was almost all dads with babies :) he was pretty happy up until last few minutes so I was proud. 
Looking forward to: Dax being able to sit up by himself. Fall and Halloween!! I'm excited for all the holidays coming up :) 

Visit at Grandpas 

First day of kindermusik 

He loves airplane rides

Enjoying the last of the nice weather

Tired baby after swimming

New piano toy is a hit!

Miller stealing his toy

Activity station from Nana 


BC Lions fan 

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