Wednesday 4 September 2013

Daxton is 4 months old!

4 months
Baby stats
Sleep: He goes to bed around 8-830 which is nice to have some time to ourselves. But he wakes up earlier since he goes to bed earlier. Also if we are out he gets cranky early since its his bedtime so need to be home at a decent hour. Dax has started a minor sleep regression the last few weeks...and right now most nights he wakes up after 6hours which is like 2-3ish. Hope this doesn't continue! I think I just need to go to bed earlier lol. He is sleeping in his crib now though :) 
Feed: every 2-3hrs during the day and usually a feed at 3am then 6-7am starts the day
Daily Routine: I have been really working on making sure Dax gets enough naps. He has a harder time napping now so it's essential after 2-2.5hrs of being awake to put him down for a nap. 
Weight: 15lbs
Length: 27in
Head: 16.25in
Diaper size: size 2
Clothing size: 3-6months.. And those sleepers just fit! Next growth spurt and he will be 6-9month sleepers. I have two boxes of clothes that don't fit him already!
Hair Color: light brown and he is growing more too (still only a little in the front though)
Eye Color: hazel-ish (they are really starting to change)
Baby favs: 
Standing up absolute fav
Grabbing his feet
Putting things in his mouth
Horsey rides
Punching his dad
Walking around with dad and exploring 
Piggy back rides 
Baby not so favs:
Laying down too long
Naps (sometimes)
Challenges: he sometimes fights nap time and gets over tired and cranky. We both get frustrated with that. If I was him I'd love nap time! He is a drool machine lately and goes through bibs like no other. Luckily we found some more cute bandana ones :)
Funniest moment: peeing in the tub
Milestones: he can hold his head completely now. He loves standing up and has the strength to stand awhile just not quite the balance. He now tries to pull himself up to sit but folds in half lol. He is giggling a lot. He thinks punching his dad, high 5s and tickles are funny. He is so much better with his hands now.. It is amazing in a few weeks how much more coordinated they become. He now grabs toys and puts them in his mouth and interacts with toys on jumperoo. 
- first roll over (tummy to back) Aug 9
- found feet Aug 26
- first night sleeping in own room Sept 2
Events in the past month:
Love being off with Neil. We have been going to the beach and going on walks and trying to sleep in when possible :) lol 
Dax met his cousins Elliot and Zoe. He didnt like when Zoe held him though lol. 
Going to BBQs with baby D and have gone out for a few date nights. 
Looking forward to: Dax being able to sit up by himself so he can play. Fall and Halloween!! I'm excited for all the holidays coming up :) 

Hanging in bumbo while mom gets ready

Dressing for fall

Waving at mommy

Standing with buddy Henry 

Feeling loved 😊

9 month dinosaur sleeper.. Watch me grow!


Family photos

Mmm chips n salsa at Gina's

Sleeping in his big boy crib 

Date night 

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