Tuesday 9 July 2013

Daxton is 2 months old!

We made it! Neil is off for the summer :) The first 9 days he was off we went to Hornby which was so much fun! My parents came the first weekend and then we had two couples come visit a few nights throughout the week. Dax loved it there! The weather was hot!! The beaches were beautiful :) This summer is going to be awesome. 

Daxton is growing up so fast! His personality is shining through and we are loving getting to know him. I try to savor every moment. He is the perfect addition to our family ❤

Baby stats
Sleep: He is sleeping like a rock star these days! A night before his 2 month bday he slept 8hrs straight! 930-530! It hasn't happened since but still so amazing lol. He usually sleeps 5-6hr stretch though. At Hornby we started putting him to bed early.. Which is still late but is now 930-10. He wakes up once for a feed and then usually sleeps until 730ish. Often we will sleep another few hours after another feed if we are feeling lazy :) lol Since we have been home he has been sleeping in bassinet instead of co-sleeper and it is going really well! I put on sleep sheep wave sounds and a light muslin blanket tucked into sides of mattress. 
Feed: Dax usually feeds every 2-3hrs throughout the day but its still on demand not scheduled. I stopped pumping when we went away and just fed at night rotating breasts (they are adjusting so not as painful with engorgement). So now is like to just pump when I need to or once in the morning kind of thing. His hungry cry is very distinct so he def lets you know if it's been too long lol. 
Daily Routine: Routine before Neil was off work was dance party around 10ish, play mat time at 12ish where he will evetually fall asleep for a nap. I get chores done and then downstairs for the rest of the day where he hangs out in mamaroo and we look outside and play and nap until Neil gets home. Neil use to take him for 3-4hrs so i could nap then we would put him to bed. Now that he sleeps better I skip my nap and put him to bed earlier and I usually join him unless we have ppl over. Being at Hornby through off our schedule a bit but he seems pretty content going with the flow. 
Weight: 12lbs 3.5oz (July 9th)
Length: 24in
Diaper size: size 1
Clothing size: 3 months now! He is long and skinny so 3 month sleepers look wide but fit length wise. It is so sad to be packing away his newborn stuff :(
Hair Color: light brown with flecks of golden blonde. Still not a lot of hair but it seems to be growing at the back lol
Eye Color: dark gray
Baby favs: mamaroo, bouncer, soother, high-5s from dad, smiling when he sees me, music, octopus on playmat (he smiles at it), car rides (he did so well on the way to Hornby!! As long as car is moving he is pretty much sleeping) and stroller rides, hanging out outside 
Baby not so favs: gas and poopy blowouts lol But honestly the more I get to know him the more I realize how chill of a baby he is :) it's so nice that he is perfectly content to do whatever we are doing. He doesn't mind being held by other ppl. He does get bored sometimes though but as long as he has something to check out he's pretty happy
Challenges: we are still working on him being comfortable in the ergo carrier but he is doing way better! He seems to be able to last an hour. We took him on a hike and out to the campfire one night in it and was really chill. He is also a loud sleeper, my word! Lol when he sleeping deeply he is good but when he stirs he is loud! He grunts, shifts around, sleep cries (on occasion).. And being a light sleeper makes it tough. I have found ear plugs do help.. Most times he will work it out and go back to sleep and this can buy me an extra hour or two of sleep. I use to just pick him up right away thinking he was awake but now I try to wait it out lol. 
Funniest moment:
After a bath Neil forgot to put Daxton's diaper on and just put him in his sleeper. He was rocking him and then Dax peed all over Neil's shirt. Lol
Milestones: He is cooing very loudly now! It is so stinkin cute! I make diff sounds at him and he is so interested and tries to talk back (Aowww, Ahh and Gah). Can hold head up even longer now and likes to check things out. Moves head from side to side and rolling a bit.. I know he will fully roll over in no time! I def feel like I have to keep a closer eye on him. He is becoming a lot more interactive with toys.. He goes all wide eyed and watches closely with rattles and vibrating toys (loves vibrating bird on bouncer and animals on playmat). He has held things by accident (o ball, play mat rings, my necklace) but I think he is starting to get it. He is also getting better at self soothing.. Especially at night. He does rely on his soother quite a bit but I am finding if I put him to bed and he's still semi awake or if he wakes up during the night that he can most of the time work it out on his own if you give him a bit of time. 
- first time sleeping through the night
- first ferry ride
- first overnight trip
- first trip to the beach (toes in the ocean)
- first time sleeping on his own (first in Hornby, now in Bassinet)
- first time finding hands (staring at and putting in mouth)
Looking forward to: Giggles! He has chuckled in his sleep but I'm so excited to see smiles and giggles together! Also him holding his head up all by himself.. He is definitely getting better at it (he is so strong!)

Road trip!

Hanging out with Dad at the cabin

Happy Canada Day

Going out to enjoy campfire

Lil tough guy

Sleeping dude

Pics of Hornby.. Can't wait for our next visit!

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