Sunday 12 June 2016

Aria is 3 months old!

Wow three months old already! With two kids time really does fly by even quicker. This little lady is a light in our life ❤️

Baby stats

Sleep: this little lady is sleeping through the night like a champ! She goes to bed around 9/930 and has been waking up around 5/6 for a feed. In the last week she has been sleeping until 7! Then goes back to sleep until 9ish. It's life changing really! Some mornings Dax actually wakes me up before she does haha. She still gets fussier at night but usually isn't too bad just over tired. Putting her to bed is usually pretty easy though. 

Feed: every 2/3hours other than at night

Daily Routine: I definitely find I have less of a routine with two.. It depends on the day (who is home and what needs to get done). She needs to nap after being awake around an hour though.. I have been seeing that more and more. So she feeds then we will do an activity for awhile. She will sometimes fall asleep there or will get fussy and want to be picked up for a bit. Then will sleep and we will do it all over again. I find lately her naps have been short so I try to take advantage when I can. Especially with running a business, having a toddler and despising a dirty house lol. 

Weight: 12lb 2oz as of June 6

Length: 22.5inches 

Diaper size: size 1 but debated going up a size. Lol I'm hoping this second box of size 1 doesn't kick me in the butt. 

Clothing size: 0-3/3months but I think we will be switching soon. It's bitter sweet as I love new outfits but means she is growing up fast. 

Hair Color: medium brown but seems lighter in the sun 

Eye Color: looks like they will be dark brown 

Baby favs: play mat and mobile, singing/music, her mom & brother, watching over your shoulder, stroller rides, her monkey or any animal with a face really that she can talk to l, sucking her fingers 

Baby not so favs: car seat but not as bad as it was, having to wait for anything (haha she is not very patient.. She lets you know)

- days with both her and Dax. They are getting better but by the end of the week we are all tired ;) I find the more I tend to Dax the better but sometimes I'm just so tired haha 

Funniest moment: umm there are so many with two kids I swear. We will laugh about it all in the future 😜 

- smiling a lot
- very chatty 
- can almost hold her head up completely now, just a little wobble here and there 
- starting to grab toys. Likes her oball 
- mommy got away for 8+hours to trade show in Vancouver 

- hands in mouth  
- first beach day 

Events in the past month:
- more time enjoying the sunshine

Looking forward to:
- summer!! Going to hornby soon! 

 All smiles for Dad

My brother is funny! 

My smiley girl is so stylish 

Enjoying the sunshine 

Backyard shenanigans 

Starting to enjoy her new seat

Loving smooches from her brother 

Chatting with her monkey 

Beach adventures 

My cute family 

Family photos ❤️

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