Saturday 5 April 2014

Daxton is 11 months old!

Baby stats
Sleep:  Dax was sleeping fine until we went to Maui. First night he slept on me most of the night.. We had a few normal nights after that and then he woke up with a fever and a cold. Then he started waking up a lot and would cry really hard when we put him down :( He just got another tooth so I think that has contributed to this continuing. Also probably a sleep regression. Yay! We have started putting him to bed later which seems to help some as well as being flexible with naps (some days he only has one long nap). I'm hoping this will work itself out. 

Feed: eats three good size meals a day and nurses when he wakes up, around naps and before bed. He is starting to nurse less I have noticed. Also a few times I have been away people have offered him a bottle and he doesn't want it. 

Daily Routine: up between 7-8, breakfast and play. Nap around 11 and has been sleeping 2-3hrs. If he sleeps until 2pm he then only has one nap as 5 is too late for second nap. Late lunch and he looks for trouble until dad is home at 5. Dinner, play, bath, pjs, book, nurse and bed. He is fighting bed though and seems wide awake... Even if it's 8pm which is an hour later than normal. 

Weight: 20lb 4oz
Length: 31in
Head: 18in 
Diaper size: size 4
Clothing size: 6-12m gap clothes  (the onesies are getting small.. Looking forward to 12-18 tops! Into some 12-18 pants), 12m Carter's etc outfits and 12-18m sleepers. We are starting to like two piece pjs.. So cute!
Hair color: light brown coming in
Eye Color: green grey 

Baby favs: 
Pulling up on everything and cruising around
Taking out DVDs 
Opening cupboards and pulling out stuff
Playing in millers crate 
Banging millers food bowl
Climbing stairs
Chasing Jose kitty and squealing 

Baby not so favs:
Going to bed :( lately he is really fighting it. Tried one nap instead of two but still cries hard. He is teething though so that doesn't help. 
Diaper changes/getting changed sometimes 
Hitting his head (tries to crawl under things and doesn't realize how big he is)

Trying to teach him no (that has been a slow process)
Bed time
He has been pretty whiny this month which is probably from teething.. But it gets old fast lol
Won't leave Jose alone. Try to redirect him 

Funniest moment: 
Speed crawling any time Jose is around or when dish washer is open

He is cruising around everything now 
He is confident walking behind his walker and when you hold his hands
He just started standing without holding on to anything.. But once he realizes it he sits down

He is still a bit picky at times but when he likes things he will gobble them up. He is eating more and more of what we eat for dinner which makes things easier. 

Steak (yum)
Broccoli (now likes it)
Goldfish (handy when we were out in Maui)

Fav foods:
Yogurt snacks (he gets a few at the end of his meal and he gets so excited)

Stood by himself (mar 26)
5th tooth bottom left (mar 28)

Events in the past month:

The weather is starting to get nicer so more walks and trips to the park. Dax loves the swings and going down the slide with his dad. 

Maui was a blast!! I was pretty nervous how he'd do on the plane but he did really well. We had lots of fun in the pool and checking out beaches. He had fun playing with his baby buddies. He did get a baby cold when we were there though :( I felt so bad. Luckily his ears didn't bug him much on the way down. 

Dax has had a tough time sleeping the last few weeks. He has a bunch of teeth coming in. Baby Tylenol has helped though. He is a trooper during the day!
I can't believe he will be one soon.. Time to plan his party!! :)

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