Wednesday 5 September 2012

Baby Holmes ETA May 2013!!

It is official! I went to the Dr's yesterday and I am 5.5 weeks along and due May 5, 2013. I cannot wait to share the news with friends and family. I am hoping to tell a few close friends and our parents in the next week. Everyone else can wait until the 12 week mark (I hope!!). I think it will be hard to contain ourselves though! N already told one of his bestfriends at his wedding last weekend. I know it's because he is a very excited and proud dad-to-be. I know he is going to be a great dad!!

I wish I could have shared with my family before he spilled the beans but I want to tell them in person so I will most likely have to wait until this weekend. We are suppose to go to a football game on Saturday with the inlaws so we will most likely tell them then. N is trying to come up with a fun way to tell them.

I bought supplies to make my own chalkboard over the weekend as some of my fav bloggers have done this. It is such a cute idea! I hope I will keep up with it. I plan to do my first update this weekend :) I hope the rest of this week goes by fast!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited your following me! Its nice to know someone is right there with me ;) I LOVE your chalk board!!! I may need to revamp my size a little. Did you follow Jessica's way on Baby Garvin (picture and paint over it with chalk board pant)?
